Are you sick of hearing about the Pandemic? Do you find that all of your conversations seem to be the same? At least with certain people in my life I have found that all they want to talk about is Covid-19 and the number of new cases being reported south of the border. I think it's safe to say that we are all suffering from a bit of Covid exhaustion as it is taxing us mentally. Nobody should underestimate the severity and seriousness of the challenges we face but I think it's also time that we consider changing the conversation a little bit as well.
Recently I had a good conversation with my cousin who is a doctor who specializes in Infectious Disease and even served on the Covid-19 board here in Winnipeg. Something he told me that really stuck is that "in the short term this is not about beating the virus but rather learning how to live with the virus in our society." Now this may be my own bias as I am a bit of an eternal optimist but the key message I took from that sentence is learning to live again.
Instead of focussing on what things look like today, why don't we for a few minutes start asking the questions of each other, have you gained new perspective during the pandemic? Where is the first place you would like to travel when you are safe to do so? What do you plan to do post Covid? Have your plans changed? How do you feel about those changes? Some of the more interesting conversations I have had with clients more recently is on how their perspective has changed during the pandemic.
I don't think I have talked to anyone who didn't feel that they have benefitted from getting time with their family that they didn't even know they had missed. Certainly there are many working from home with young kids and are finding it difficult to manage work and entertaining the children, but this perspective has reminded people of what is truly important. This realization has also caused a shift in their plans for the future as they have reconsidered how they want to live going forward.
Primarily this change has come in their work life. Some people are planning on accelerating their retirement plans. Some are feeling reinvigorated in their businesses and their careers as they have renewed sense of purpose. Either way, their plans have changed and there is a great deal of excitement about what the future holds.
Where Will You Go?
How about your travel plans? Obviously, a lot of plans have been put on hold until people are able to travel and also feel safe doing so. But when you do feel safe travelling, where will you go? I for one am looking forward to exploring more of this great country we live in. I have spent the last few years exploring places halfway around the world from here but the pandemic has reminded me to take a closer look in our own backyard as well. A top of my personal list of places to visit will be going North to Churchill to see the Polar bears and Beluga whales while also taking in the culture. I also plan to visit the east coast. My grandfather grew up in Edinburgh Scotland and also felt that the east coast of Canada reminded him of home. In time, borders will open again and there will be more places we can travel to and experience.
I would suggest that we all stop putting off some of those plans because the pandemic has also reminded us that sometimes our ability to do things when we want to is out of our control. In speaking with experts in the subject, it's likely that we are going to be dealing with the pandemic in some form for some time still and so I think it's important that we start shifting the conversation away from what we can't do and rather focusing on what we can do.
It's Time to Start Living Again
I am encouraged by most of the plans and execution for reopening our economy in Canada. It's nice to see people out at restaurants again and enjoying the summer weather. It's time that we all get back to living, safely of course and within our own comfort levels, but living, nonetheless. Life persists, it's time that we start planning for it.
- Grant White, CIM, CFP
Grant White is a Portfolio Manager/Investment Advisor at Endeavour Wealth Management with Industrial Alliance Securities Inc, an award-winning office as recognized by the Carson Group. Together with his partners he provides comprehensive wealth management planning for business owners, professionals and individual families.
This information has been prepared by Grant White who is a Portfolio Manager for Industrial Alliance Securities Inc. (iA Securities) and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of iA Securities. The information contained in this newsletter comes from sources we believe reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability. The opinions expressed are based on an analysis and interpretation dating from the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Furthermore, they do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned. The information contained herein may not apply to all types of investors. The Portfolio Manager can open accounts only in the provinces in which they are registered.
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